Education Planning

A Guide to 529 Plans and Alabama’s Special Promotion

On Wednesday, May 29th, the nation celebrated 529 Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of 529 plans, a vital tool for education savings. Let’s dive in to learn more about what 529 plans are, their benefits, and an exciting promotion for Alabama residents. What is a 529 Plan? A 529 plan is […]

What to Expect From a Financial Fiduciary

When it comes to managing your finances, it’s essential to trust your financial advisor. There are various types of advisors, but fiduciaries are particularly noteworthy because they adhere to distinct standards. If you’re seeking trustworthy guidance, it is important to understand the role and expectations of a financial fiduciary. Let’s take a closer look at […]

Changes to 529 Educational Savings Plans

529 Educational Savings Plan

In a previous article, we discussed Alabama’s CollegCounts 529 Fund and how the recently passed Secure Act 2.0 offers greater flexibility to account owners in allocating education funds. Let’s now focus on a recent change that allows a portion of unused 529 account assets to be rolled over to a Roth IRA for account beneficiaries.  […]

Significant Changes to 529 Educational Savings Plans

529 Educational Savings Plan

One of the primary concerns for most, after saving for retirement, is education planning. Well, great news! The recently passed Secure Act 2.0 gives savers greater flexibility regarding how they allocate funds accumulated in 529 plans. We’ll review updates to Alabama’s CollegeCounts 529 Fund this week and follow up next week on increased options related […]

A Better Alabama Through the Gift of Education

The Number of Failing Schools in Alabama is Rising…How You Can Help a Child Get a Better Education and Not Cost You a Penny? For weekly insights, follow The Welch Group every Tuesday morning on WBRC Fox 6 for the Money Tuesday segment. The updated list of failing schools in Alabama is out, and it […]

Money Management: Valuable Lessons for Kids of all Ages

Last week, we discussed how young to start teaching your children the value of a dollar and how to manage it. Now, let’s focus on tips to help teach money management skills to the Young Adults in your life. For weekly insights, follow The Welch Group every Tuesday morning on WBRC Fox 6 for the […]

School is in Session! How about a Lesson in Finances?

School started this past week for most students. One question I often get is, “When should I begin to teach my children about money?” Every child is different and matures at a different rate. Some mature very quickly, while others more slowly. Here are some basic guidelines, but you will ultimately decide when your child […]

Helping Disadvantaged Students Just Got Easier!

The Alabama Accountability Act has been helping disadvantaged young students receive a better education since 2013. Thousands of kids have benefited from this act, and now positive changes are being made to further help students get the education they deserve. The Alabama Accountability Act (AAA) – Here is what is new: Under prior law, AAA […]

The Perfect Christmas Gift for a Young Grandchild

Christmas is always a magical time of year for youngsters. They have thoughts of Santa, reindeer, toys, and elves dancing in their heads. So what comes to mind if you are a grandparent thinking of the perfect gift for a grandchild? I would like to suggest the best gift any child can receive…the gift of […]

What is the Greatest Gift? A Better Education!

If you could give a child the gift of a great education at no cost to you, would you do it? If your answer is, “Of course I would!” then you need to learn more about the Alabama Accountability Act (AAA). The Alabama Accountability Act (AAA) AAA allows you to redirect a portion of your […]