How good do you feel about what you’ve accomplished over the past twelve months? How about the past 5 years? A lot of people find themselves caught in the cycle of living day-by-day only to wake up a year or more later with not a lot to show for it. If that’s you, start with […]
5 Goals for 2019 That Will Change Your Life
Are We Headed Into a Bear Market?
I Can Predict Your Financial Future
After thirty-something years working with people and their finances, I have developed an uncanny ability to predict their financial future…usually after as little as a five-minute visit. I can even do it if I’ve never met you. Here are my predictions for your success in 2019: I predict… that if you set financial goals for […]
2019 Financial Goals
7 Ways to Give
Christmas is the Time for….
Giving. The Birmingham region has a national reputation as one of the most generous giving communities in the country. United Way of Central Alabama annual fund raising consistently ranks tops in the nation and exceeds the giving of many cities much larger than Birmingham. As we put Thanksgiving behind us and approach Christmas and all […]
Stacking Retirement Savings
The Season for Giving
Retirement Savers: How Do You Stack Up?
Fidelity Investments recently released a study of its more than 30 million retirement account customers showing good news about average retirement account balances. The average account balance for 401-k savers was $106,500, a seven percent increase over twelve months ago. Investors who have been invested for five years accumulated, on average, $221,000. Those invested for […]
Tis The Season for Giving
As the Thanksgiving Holiday approaches and we focus on what is most important in life, many will also begin planning for their annual charitable contributions. One of the most gratifying aspects of my job is helping people achieve a charitable intent, which ultimately manifests itself in a positive benefit on our community. I am amazed […]