Year: 2021

Understanding Bitcoin

In the first article of a two-part series, What’s The Deal With Bitcoin, we reviewed the definition and history of money, the traits humans look for in searching for sound money, and why Bitcoin came into existence.  In this article, we discuss the technical aspects of Bitcoin, arguments for and against it, and how to […]

What’s The Deal With Bitcoin?

The momentous upward move in the price of Bitcoin in late 2020 and early 2021 caused many people to take notice of the cryptocurrency world for the first time. While it is natural for people to be interested in or curious about this new cryptocurrency, it is surprising that people rushed to allocate capital in […]

The Perfect Christmas Gift for a Young Grandchild

Christmas is always a magical time of year for youngsters. They have thoughts of Santa, reindeer, toys, and elves dancing in their heads. So what comes to mind if you are a grandparent thinking of the perfect gift for a grandchild? I would like to suggest the best gift any child can receive…the gift of […]

‘Tis the Season for Tax Efficient Giving

“It is in giving that we receive,” as the saying goes. Thankfully, charitable giving is alive and well in our country. “Why America Gives” by Classy is a recent study that indicates 84% of donors plan to give at levels equal to or higher than charitable gifts made in 2020. I suspect it helps that […]

Financing a Home is Easier than Ever!

There is nothing more satisfying than making an investment for your future. One of the most important investments you will make in your life is when you buy a house. When purchasing a home, loans rates are typically less expensive if the home is financed under a conventional loan with mortgage brokerage companies like Fannie […]

Are Series I Savings Bonds Worth It?

overlapping savings bonds cropped to emphasize writing on the bond that says "Series One"

One of the biggest concerns currently surrounding markets is inflation and how to defend against it. The search for yield is intense! The Consumer Price Index on all items shows inflation increasing 6% year-over-year, not to mention checking/savings accounts, and most sovereign bonds yield below 2%. One tool that can be effective for your savings […]

PRESS Ahead to Retirement

We are often reminded of the importance of saving for retirement, but why do so many people let the opportunity slip through the cracks? My experience is that, for many people, current lifestyles tend to soak up all the income. The desire is there, but the free cash flow is not. There is a fresh […]

How Credit Scores Are Calculated and Why It Matters

woman wearing glasses looking down at a paper showing a credit report with a credit score of 765

Did you know your credit score can be thought of as your credit “report card?” The most recent Square One Financial Foundations blog discussed the In’s and Out’s of Credit and the importance of establishing and maintaining a good credit history, but how do you know if you’re making the grade? Credit scores are calculated […]