Year: 2020

Answer These Five Questions For Big 2021 Goals

2020 will soon be behind us. WHEW! It has been a year no one will forget, and I think everyone is looking forward to 2021 with a lot of hope and positive expectations. If you want to take control of your results and make 2021 your best year ever, now is the time to focus […]

COVID Stimulus Part 2

Earlier this year, Congress passed a $2 trillion stimulus package to provide financial relief to individuals and small businesses due to the economic impact of COVID-19.  Over the weekend, a second $900 billion package was approved in a non-partisan fashion in the house and senate.  Here are some of the key components: $600 direct checks […]

Tis The Season For Giving…A Better Education!

Because of COVID, online sales are skyrocketing compared to last year, and I hope everyone will focus on shopping locally online. Local merchants need our help. While everyone is in the mood for giving, I think we could all agree that one of the greatest gifts a person can receive is the gift of the […]

What’s In Your Wallet?

We previously covered what not to keep in your bank safe deposit box.  With the holidays upon us, and shopping at a yearly high, the potential for losing a wallet or purse increases. There are several items you should consider to not keep in your wallet or purse, which if lost or stolen could become […]

Best Money Strategy For Holiday Spending

Black Friday has come and gone. How did you do? With so much misery caused by the pandemic this year, folks are looking to spread some good cheer, and I expect holiday gift spending to hit records. According to Adobe analytics, weekend shopping surged almost 22% to a record $9 Billion this year. Cyber Monday […]