Because of COVID, online sales are skyrocketing compared to last year, and I hope everyone will focus on shopping locally online. Local merchants need our help. While everyone is in the mood for giving, I think we could all agree that one of the greatest gifts a person can receive is the gift of the […]
Tis The Season For Giving…A Better Education!
Scholarships For Kids At Failing Schools
Maximizing The Value of a College Education
Parental Guide: Maxing the Value of a College Education
Warren Buffet has a saying, “Price is what you pay, value is what you get! As high school graduates and their parents deliberate over where/whether to attend college next year, this axiom should be at the forefront of their minds. While it is widely known that the costs of college skyrocketed over the past twenty […]
Choose Your College Major Wisely
Choose Your College Major Wisely
As students head back to college, many will be choosing their major. When I attended college decades ago, I gave very little thought to my major course of study. In fact, I was more guided by which was the easiest path to victory (a college diploma)! For me, that ended up being a marketing major […]
Child Headed to College? Consider This
Child Headed To College? Think About This!
Sending your child off to college is…well, a huge deal! They are beginning the next phase of their life as they transition from adolescence to young adulthood. As parents, we often hold onto that image of our young child and fail to think of them in adult terms. Doing so can cause us to miss […]
Will Your Children Have Your Family Values?
In my latest book, “J.K. Lasser’s New Rules for Estate, Retirement & Tax Planning- 6th Edition” (published January 2019), I discuss a strategy for passing along your family values to your children. If you have young children, I know you feel your first responsibility is to provide for their basic support including food, shelter, clothing […]