Just Say ‘YES’ to Free Financial Advice


In these times of economic chaos, people are not sure where to turn for help in navigating the financial headwinds. Well, help is just around the corner and it’s free! All across the nation, professional financial planners are celebrating Financial Planning Week by offering free advice to anyone seeking answers to their most perplexing questions. In addition, a number of financial planners will speak on a variety of topics. 
In Birmingham, the Financial Planning Association of North Alabama will host a Financial Planning Expo this coming Tuesday, October 1st, at the Homewood City Hall Building in Rosewood Hall from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For you GPSers, the street address is 2850 19th Street, Homewood, AL. The Alabama Securities Commission, Joe Borg, Director, partnered with the FPA to sponsor this event. This year they’ll have hors d’oeuvres and beverages and there is easy access parking.
This is your opportunity to have a 30-minute one-on-one consultation with a financial planner at no cost. Area planners promise to give you their best advice with no strings attached fielding questions regarding your personal circumstances including such areas as solving debt problems, how to pay for college, foreclosure assistance, successful investing in a low-interest-rate environment, how to maximize Social Security income, managing health insurance costs, reducing taxes, long-term care planning, and retirement strategies. And these are just a few of the topics they’re prepared to cover. If you have financial questions, they have answers! Your visit will be held in the strictest confidence. If you want to take advantage of these services here’s what to do:
·        Come for the entire program or feel free to pick and choose among speakers’ topics that interest you. Each presenter will speak for approximately thirty minutes and then be available to answer your questions pertaining to that topic for an additional 15 minutes. The goal is to allow ample time for you to ask your questions.
·        For one-on-one private sessions, the FPA will set up tables manned by experienced financial planners. You need only show up and you’ll be escorted to one of the tables for your private consultation. To receive the most benefit from your private consultation, be sure to bring any supporting data such as credit card statements, loan agreements, your last will & testament, financial statements, investment statements or insurance policies. Financial planners will be available to visit with you for 30-minute sessions.
Here are the speakers’ topics:
4:00 p.m. – 4:55 p.m. “The Changing Landscape of Long-Term Care- Are You Prepared?” presented by Babs Hart, CLTC. Insurance companies have raised premiums as much as 58% on existing policyholders.  Learn your best strategies whether you currently own LTC insurance or are considering buying coverage in the near future.
4:55 p.m. – 5:40 p.m. “Forging Your Financial Future”, presented by Fergus Tuohy, CFP®, CRPC, CDFA. The future is bright if you know the right financial strategies. Learn what the pros are telling their clients to do now.
5:40 p.m. – 6:25 p.m. “Estate Planning: An Introduction to the Essentials” presented by Stewart Welch III, AEP, CFP. The estate planning laws have been completely overhauled. Learn what you need to do now based on these recent changes.
6:25 p.m. – 7:10 p.m. “Tips for Informed and Safe Investing”, presented by Joe Borg, Director of the Alabama Securities Commission. Securities fraud rises during a poor economy. Learn how to protect yourself from would-be fraudsters. 
7:10 p.m. – 7:55 p.m. “Real World Retirement Planning”, presented by Steve Garrett, Sr., CFP®, MBA. Retirees have gotten a two-punch: a weak economy and historically low interest rates. Learn the best ways to invest in today’s world.
Don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to learn money-saving ideas from top financial planners in Alabama. When you’re finished, treat yourself to dinner at one of the great restaurants in the Homewood area! For more information visit www.fpana.org