Year: 2023

Investing Around Geopolitical Events

It is likely that you will experience one or more major world events at some point in your life, such as pandemics or political conflicts. Such events can significantly alter the lives of people across the globe and the environment we live in. Financial security is among the many concerns people often face during these […]

Navigating Your Health Insurance Options

Individual Enrollment Opens on November 1st It’s that time of year again when you need to start thinking about securing your health insurance coverage for the upcoming year. The enrollment period for individual health insurance began on November 1st. This is a great opportunity to ensure you have the right coverage to protect your health […]

The Basics of Disability Insurance: Part 3

How Much Is Needed? There are a few steps you can take to understand how much disability coverage is needed for your given situation. While not exhaustive, this list can be a helpful starting point:  Assess your income: Start by calculating your current monthly or annual income. Consider all sources of income, including salaries, wages, […]

It’s Medicare Open Enrollment Time!

As we near the end of the year, seniors in the United States need to focus on open enrollment for Medicare coverage. The open enrollment period for Medicare runs from October 15th to December 7th every year, and this is your chance to make changes to your Medicare coverage for the upcoming year. In this […]

Age 65? You May Qualify for State Property Tax Exemption!

I recently received a question from a lady who was curious about whether her 87-year-old mother-in-law qualifies for a property tax exemption. Regrettably, this means her mother-in-law missed the chance to potentially save hundreds or even thousands of dollars over the past twenty-two years.  According to information available on the State of Alabama’s website, “If […]

The Basics of Disability Insurance: Part 1

Disability insurance is a vital component of financial planning and risk management, but it’s often misunderstood and overlooked. While Social Security disability benefits provide a form of disability insurance, it’s essential to understand that there are many types of personally owned disability insurance available.  Consider this: the Social Security Administration estimates that one in four […]

How to Protect Your Home Construction Project

In the past year, there has been a lot of discussion about the rising costs of in-home construction. This has made homeowners realize the importance of reviewing and potentially updating their homeowner’s insurance to ensure they have sufficient coverage. However, there is another tool that is equally significant but less talked about for those looking […]

Life Insurance: Group Term vs. Private Term

Most people understand why life insurance is important to their finances – it shifts the financial risk of premature death from the policyholder to the insurance company. However, many people do not understand the types of policies and the protection they provide. So, let’s break it down by looking at two common types: group term […]

The Basics of Life Insurance: Part 2

How Much do I Need? Determining the right amount of life insurance coverage can be a daunting task, as there are varying opinions on how much coverage is needed. Some professionals suggest 8x your annual income, while others recommend 12x, or even 20x. The maximum coverage life insurance companies usually offer is around 25x your […]

Are You On Track For Retirement?

Fidelity Investments has created a set of guidelines to help individuals benchmark their savings progress at different ages throughout their careers. Although the guidelines are broad and individual circumstances may differ, they provide useful markers for tracking one’s savings goals over time. The guidelines are based on your current annual income and are as follows: […]