Year: 2010

Roth Conversion Strategies – Part II

Last week, I discussed the general rules and who were the best candidates for converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA recognizing that beginning in 2010, there are no longer income limitations on who can do a conversion. This week, I’ll show you some little-known strategies you can use to take advantage of the opportunity […]

Roth IRA- To Convert or Not? Part I

Roth IRAs have a couple of significant advantages over traditional IRAs. First, while contributions to a Roth are not tax deductible, withdrawals during retirement are tax free versus taxable withdrawals from traditional IRAs. Second, unlike traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs do not require that you take minimum withdrawals beginning at age 70 ½. Unfortunately, prior tax law has prevented […]

Low Interest Rates Creates Unique Opportunities

Over the past decade, millions of Americans have built up massive debt in the form of home loans, consumer loans and credit card debt. In order to help catapult America out of the current recession, our government has orchestrated artificially low interest rates. Herein lies a time-sensitive opportunity. If you are a parent or grandparent who is willing […]